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Can social media really help you find your niche?







When Ellen Harvey dropped out of college to brag about it on social media was at the back of her mind. She lived in a small town in Essex and just like any other teenager at the time; she regularly updated all her social media accounts on a daily basis.


At the time, fashion and beauty blogs were on demand and teenage girls with a passion for the topic could have their blogs viewed by the thousands. Ellen wanted to get involved, but what could she could bring to the blogging world when she herself admits it wasn’t where her strengths lied?   


The 21 year old said: “My twitter page has always gotten a good response; people seems to like the anecdotes about my life, and stuff like that so I thought I’d just take it a step further and write them as blog posts. I think it was a while before I realised I was any good at writing and could make it as my

career path.”
























And thus the college dropout was born. With a twist of a modern day Bridget Jones and feminist, Ellen creates humour and wit to topics that can be controversial. She’s discussed dating app Tinder, leaving home to move into a hostel, Disney movies, break ups, feminist topics and her most responsive post yet – female orgasms entitled 'its different for girls'. She opened up about her personal sex life and opened up a debate on whether a guy should really get the glory of giving her an orgasm. For this post, her blog instantly got a response from comments on facebook, twitter and the blog itself.




































Ellen said: “For this specific post I told my family not to read it and they respected that. The response was amazing, I had people who I hadn’t spoken to in years message me and say they were going through similar things. I did have a few guys say things like “Oh you’ve been a very naughty girl” but I tried to brush it off, some people don’t get that for a girl to talk about sex it doesn’t have to be sexual or for attention.”





















                                 Ellen moved from her home in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex to a hostel in Brighton. Which inspired one of her blog posts.


Through this Ellen discovered her talent – writing. But now a days she prefers to write about football and has even recently had an article punished which coincidently combined her original niche of feminism too. However, her twitter page will always contain a few sarcastic anecdotes and life stories that will make you laugh and say “me too, me too,” but as well Ellen is quick to stand up for women’s rights.


Ellen said: “It’s a word that is highly misconstrued, for instance it doesn’t mean that a man can’t be head of the house and typically masculine. It also doesn’t mean that a girl can’t wear make up or like having freshly shaved legs, it means that we can all be whoever we want and push gender boundaries whilst having an equal stand in society.”


To read Ellen’s blog The college Dropout click here or to read Ellen’s latest article about sexism in sport click here.


























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